November 30– 334.

Geogebra. Ending the month with one last template from the Fukagawa/Rothman book on Japanese temple geometry – the Abe no Monjuin sangaku.

The tablet asks to find the radius of the small circles in terms of the sides of the triangles.


November 27 – 331.

Geogebra. This sangaku is intriguing because of the symmetrical aspect of its geometry. It asks to find the diameter of the smallest circle(s) in terms of the central circle(s).


November 24 – 328.

Geogebra. This sangaku is asking to find the size of the different segments making the upper left center triangle in the large rectangle. The reasoning works just as well with a square – and it makes for an interesting design too!


November 22 – 326

Geogebra. . On the original tablet (cc. lower right object)2 circles of specific different sizes are inscribed in a rectangle. I put them in a cube to see what would happen and treated the image like an old litho. Geometry is an infinite source of inspiration!


November 21 – 325

Geogebra. . The two forward objects on the weaving describe the problem: a right triangle , a circular arc, a square between them. Find the sizes of each object in term of each other. The center composition is the same problem in 3D – saved in a translucent box.